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GEARS | 齿轮组

Geant4 Example Application with Rich features and Small footprints

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Docker image Dockerfile For developer

This folder contains Dockerfiles to generate Docker images on, which contain GEARS compiled with Geant4 libraries pre-compiled on amd64 Linux. They are directly downloaded from the Geant4 download page.

As the libraries were compiled already, the image generation process only involves downloading and unpacking them, which costs only ~ 3 min. Unfortunately, Qt and GDML were not enabled in the pre-compiled Geant4 libraries.

The latest container image can be pulled from and run locally using docker-compose in the following way:

# docker-compose.yml is located in /path/to/gears
cd /path/to/gears
# use docker-compose to run gears
# --rm (optional) is used to delete the container after each use
# if the image physino/gears doesn't exist locally,
# it will be pulled from
docker-compose run --rm gears
# the command prompt will change to the following,
# where you can run gears
root@Geant4:~/gears $

Note The Geant4 datasets are not included in the container to keep its size minimal. However, they can be easily downloaded through the container into the gears/INSTALL/Geant4/data/ folder in the host computer:

root@Geant4-11.1.1:~/gears $ geant4-config --install-datasets
root@Geant4-11.1.1:~/gears $ ls INSTALL/Geant4/data
root@Geant4-11.1.1:~/gears $ gears
 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02 [MT]   (8-December-2023)
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW :

Available UI session types: [ tcsh, csh ]

Another image,, is created with the HepRApp viewer included to visualize detector geometries created using

For developer

Generate the image

The container image can be generated in two ways:

  1. use docker build:
cd gears/INSTALL/Docker
docker build -t physino/gears .
docker push physino/gears
  1. use docker-compose:
cd gears
docker-compose build gears
docker-compose push gears

Update the image

docker-compose run --rm gears provides an interactive bash, where one can install any package that she likes. For example,

root@Geant4:~/gears $ dnf install glibc-langpack-en

One can also use it to update GEARS in the image if is modified:

root@Geant4:~/gears $ make
root@Geant4:~/gears $ mv gears /usr/bin
root@Geant4:~/gears $ exit
# list all containers
docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                 COMMAND  CREATED         STATUS                     PORTS  NAMES
53614a6b7563  physino/gears:latest  "bash"   3 minutes ago   Exited (0) 14 seconds ago         eloquent_napier
# commit the updated container into image physino/gears
docker commit 53614a6b7563 physino/gears
# push the image to docker hub
docker push physino/gears