D2L /learning management system/

Greet students using individual names

{FirstName} will be replaced by a student’s first name in D2L contents. Ref. to https://documentation.brightspace.com/EN/le/replace_stings/instructor/replace_strings.htm

“Written Response” VS “Short Answer” Question

A “Short Answer” question in a quiz demands a preset answer when setting the question up. The user’s answer has to be exactly the same as the preset answer to be auto-graded as right. A quiz report will only show the preset answer instead of individual’s answers.

A “Written Response” question in a quiz does not need a preset answer. It will not be auto-graded and all user responses will be listed in the quiz report. The answering text box for a “Written Response” is larger than that for a “Short Answer”.

Activate a course

Click the right most menu, “Edit Course”, on the menu bar, click “Course Offering Information” under the “Site Setup” session, check the box in front of “Course is active”.

Re-arrange home page

Scroll down to the bottom of a course home page, click the pencil icon to re-arrange the course home page.

Compared to other LMS


Display content on homepage

Click the right most menu, “Edit Course”, click “Homepages” under the “Site Setup” session, select a template to edit, in the dropdown menu of “Type”, select “Tool”, in the dropdown memu of “Tool”, select “Content”.

Customize Navbar

Hover mouse over the navbar, click the “…” bottom shown up at right, choose “Customize This Navbar”.

Insert inline LaTeX equation

Surround your LaTeX with ( and ) in the LaTeX editor.

Course mapping request form (USD specific)

First login to the myUSD Portal, then go to Technology, on the right hand side under Services click Web/Internet. The form is right there.