w3m /web browser in terminal/

It does not understand elements introduced in HTML5. It does not understand Java. It shows a web page only after the whole contents are downloaded. It does not maintain a cache of visited web pages. It can be used as a pager for local files, but no advantage over vifm + less.

It is only good for browsing simple web sites full with text, or for html files saved locally. It does a good job to display tables and frames. It displays many languages correctly.


Set the second external browser to

cvlc $(youtube-dl -g %s) &

and press ‘2M’ to launch vlc.

The following command can be used in w3m for preview:

wkhtmltopdf %s - | zathura - &

In zathura, one can print the pdf file by:

:print <TAB> 1-5 -o media=a4 <ENTER>

Press “TAB”, the printer name will be automatically completed.

Keyword bookmarking

In firefox, one can type a keyword in the address bar to get access to a bookmark. It can also be done in w3m by means of uri handling. A uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource. A string with at least 3 characters and the last one be “:” will be recognized by w3m as a uri. w3m provide a way to handle unknown uri, that is, the user specify a script to handle the unknown uri in a config file ~/.w3m/urimethodmap, for example:

ar:      file:/cgi-bin/arxiv.cgi?%s

“ar:” will be recognized by w3m as an unknown uri. w3m will call file:/cgi-bin/arxiv.cgi to handle this uri. “?%s” is optional. It is used to pass the whole uri string (including what is behind the “:”) to the script:

cat <<_END_
Content-type: text/plain
W3m-control: GOTO $arXiv$query
W3m-control: SEARCH PDF

If a link instead of a script is provided, this file can be used to map a uri like keyword to a link:

fa: www.your.favorite.web.site.com

Type C-U fa: ENTER in w3m, and your favorite site will be served by w3m. Unfortunately, the keyword must be at least 3 letters long.

C-W will run the dict search script. One can customize it to enable a single character keyword bookmark.

Function list

function explanation
ABORT Quit w3m without confirmation
ACCESSSKEY Popup acceskey menu
ADD_BOOKMARK Add current page to bookmark
ALARM Set alarm
BACK Back to previous buffer
BEGIN Go to the first line
BOOKMARK Read bookmark
CENTER_H Move to the center line
CENTER_V Move to the center column
CHARSET Change the current document charset
CLOSE_TAB Close current tab
CLOSE_TAB_MOUSE Close tab on mouse cursor (for mouse action)
COMMAND Execute w3m command(s)
COOKIE View cookie list
DEFAULT_CHARSET Change the default document charset
DEFINE_KEY Define a binding between a key stroke and a user command
DELETE_PREVBUF Delete previous buffer (mainly for local-CGI)
DICT_WORD Execute dictionary command (see README.dict)
DICT_WORD_AT Execute dictionary command for word at cursor
DISPLAY_IMAGE Restart loading and drawing of images
DOWN Scroll down one line
DOWNLOAD Save document source to file
DOWNLOAD_LIST Display download list panel
EDIT Edit current document
EDIT_SCREEN Edit currently rendered document
END Go to the last line
EXEC_SHELL Execute shell command
EXIT Quit w3m without confirmation
EXTERN Execute external browser
EXTERN_LINK View current link using external browser
FRAME Render frame
GOTO_LINE Go to specified line
GOTO_LINK Go to current link
GOTO_RELATIVE Go to relative URL
HELP View help
HISTORY View history of URL
INFO View info of current document
INTERRUPT Stop loading document
INIT_MAILCAP Reread mailcap (mainly for local-CGI)
ISEARCH Incremental search forward
ISEARCH_BACK Incremental search backward
LEFT Shift screen one column
LINE_BEGIN Go to the beginning of line
LINE_END Go to the end of line
LINE_INFO Show current line number
LINK_BEGIN Go to the first link
LINK_END Go to the last link
LINK_MENU Popup link element menu
LIST Show all links and images
LIST_MENU Popup link list menu and go to selected link
LOAD Load local file
MAIN_MENU Popup menu
MARK Set/unset mark
MARK_MID Mark Message-ID-like strings as anchors
MARK_URL Mark URL-like strings as anchors
MARK_WORD Mark current word as anchor
MENU Popup menu
MENU_MOUSE Popup menu at mouse cursor (for mouse action)
MOUSE_TOGGLE Toggle activity of mouse
MOVE_DOWN Move cursor down (a half screen scroll at the end of screen)
MOVE_DOWN1 Move cursor down (1 line scroll at the end of screen)
MOVE_LEFT Move cursor left (a half screen shift at the left edge)
MOVE_LEFT1 Move cursor left (1 columns shift at the left edge)
MOVE_LIST_MENU Popup link list menu and move cursor to selected link
MOVE_MOUSE Move cursor to mouse cursor (for mouse action)
MOVE_RIGHT Move cursor right (a half screen shift at the right edge)
MOVE_RIGHT1 Move cursor right (1 columns shift at the right edge)
MOVE_UP Move cursor up (a half screen scroll at the top of screen)
MOVE_UP1 Move cursor up (1 line scrol at the top of screen)
MSGS Display error messages
NEW_TAB Open new tab
NEXT Move to next buffer
NEXT_DOWN Move to next downward link
NEXT_LEFT Move to next left link
NEXT_LEFT_UP Move to next left (or upward) link
NEXT_LINK Move to next link
NEXT_MARK Move to next word
NEXT_PAGE Move to next page
NEXT_RIGHT Move to next right link
NEXT_RIGHT_DOWN Move to next right (or downward) link
NEXT_TAB Move to next tab
NEXT_UP Move to next upward link
NEXT_VISITED Move to next visited link
NEXT_WORD Move to next word
NOTHING Do nothing
NULL Do nothing
OPTIONS Option setting panel
PEEK Peek current URL
PEEK_IMG Peek image URL
PIPE_BUF Send rendered document to pipe
PIPE_SHELL Execute shell command and browse
PREV Move to previous buffer
PREV_LINK Move to previous link
PREV_MARK Move to previous mark
PREV_PAGE Move to previous page
PREV_TAB Move to previous tab
PREV_VISITED Move to previous visited link
PREV_WORD Move to previous word
PRINT Save buffer to file
QUIT Quit w3m
READ_SHELL Execute shell command and load
REDO Cancel the last undo
REDRAW Redraw screen
REG_MARK Set mark using regexp
REINIT Reload configuration files
RELOAD Reload buffer
RESHAPE Re-render buffer
RIGHT Shift screen one column right
SAVE Save document source to file
SAVE_IMAGE Save image to file
SAVE_LINK Save link to file
SAVE_SCREEN Save rendered document to file
SEARCH Search forward
SEARCH_BACK Search backward
SEARCH_FORE Search forward
SEARCH_NEXT Search next regexp
SEARCH_PREV Search previous regexp
SELECT Go to buffer selection panel
SELECT_MENU Popup buffer selection menu
SETENV Set environment variable
SET_OPTION Set option
SHELL Execute shell command
SHIFT_LEFT Shift screen left
SHIFT_RIGHT Shift screen right
SOURCE View HTML source
STOP_IMAGE Stop loading and drawing of images
SUBMIT Submit form
SUSPEND Stop loading document
TAB_GOTO Open URL on new tab
TAB_GOTO_RELATIVE Open relative URL on new tab
TAB_LEFT Move current tab left
TAB_LINK Open current link on new tab
TAB_MENU Popup tab selection menu
TAB_MOUSE Move to tab on mouse cursor (for mouse action)
TAB_RIGHT Move current tab right
UNDO Cancel the last cursor movement
UP Scroll up one line
VERSION Display version of w3m
VIEW View HTML source
VIEW_BOOKMARK View bookmark
VIEW_IMAGE View image
WHEREIS Search forward
WRAP_TOGGLE Toggle wrap search mode