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Geant4 Example Application with Rich features and Small footprints

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Neutron interactions

Neutrons interact with matter mainly through the following processes:


The default HP (high precision) neutron model used in Geant4 does not handle Gd(n,gamma) correctly. This is described in detail in An alternative model is called photon evaporation, which can be activated by setting up an environment variable:


(Note that this will be replaced by a macro command in Geant4 version 11). The dataset used by this model is

export G4LEVELGAMMADATA=/path/to/Geant4/installtion/folder/share/Geant4-??.?.?/data/PhotonEvaporation?.?

Example simulation and analysis codes can be found in As for Geant4.10.7, the simulated gamma-ray spectrum is not satisfactory compared to data described in

A comprehensive example

In DT.mac, 14 MeV neutrons from a DT generator are shot to a concrete block defined in Example analysis code:

// check which interaction is dominant
root [] t->Draw("pro","pdg==2112 && pro>2000")
root [] gPad->SetLogy()
// neutrons all end up with being captured (pro==4131)
// draw the last point of a neutron track
root [] t->Draw("x","pdg==2112 && pro==4131")
// draw charges of generated particles
root [] t->Draw("q")
// draw isotopes involved
root [] t->Draw("pdg", "pdg>10000")