
Install perl module in home directory

  • search, download, unpack perl’s local::lib module 1
  • cd unpacked local-lib directory
  • run 2
perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap=/prefix
make test && make install
echo 'eval $(perl -I/prefix/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib=/prefix)' >>~/.bashrc
cpan App::cpanminus # say yes if you face some questions
cpanm Module::name


cpanm File::MimeInfo

find out perl module path and version

perldoc -lm List::Util
perldoc -m Moose | grep VERSION

The -l switch instructs perldoc to display the path for the file, instead of the POD itself. The -m switch instructs perldoc to display the entire file for a given module, even if it doesn’t have a POD.

interactive session

perl -de1
print $^O