can be used in a LaTeX source file to stop wrong syntax highlighting after an unmatched $ sign.
:help stopzone
in VIM gives the background information.
I use ssh + screen to work in remote machines.
:set term
in vim returns screen. By setting the term explicitly to xterm in .vimrc solves the problem:
set term=xterm
:verbose set aSetting
:set filetype=unix
Vim will remove all ^M after saving.
vim-pathogen allows to install any plugin by just dropping it in ~/.vim/bundle.
Vim regards *.md as modula2 files by default. This behavior can be overwritten by installing plasticboy/vim-markdown. Unfortunately, it does not recognize YAML front-matters.
tpope/vim-markdown with tpope/vim-liquid solves the problem but it does not provide folding.
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context"
let g:SuperTabNoCompleteAfter = [',', '\s', ';', '\_^']
It needs tlib and vim-addon-mw-utils. One also needs to download snippets.
SnipMate load snippets files based on the current file type. To add snippets to the right snippets file, run the following command in vim:
and use arrow keys to select the right file.
Take ~/.vim/snippets/help.snippets as an example:
snippet t1
<literal tab>$\{1\}\{\{\{4~
<literal tab>$\{2\}
<literal tab>\}\}\}
or autoclose.vim
It needs L9.
Good for SVN and CVS. Not so nice for git. Does not work for RCS.
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