Teach as a particle physicist
Aug 02, 2019
Eversy summer, CTL at USD provides a fellowship for faculty members to sit together in a week long workshop to learn from each other or a resource how to design a new course or redesign an old course. Here is a list of things that I learned from it.
Learning how to learn
- study plans made by students
- signed by students and instructor as contracts
- include both students’ and instructor’s expectation
- leave flexibilities to modify
- give a test period
- ways to avoid burn-out
- personal strength and weakness or characters
- things to learn and to test
- ways to assess
- practice
- identify things that students don’t understand
Instructor cares about students, students care about each other, both care about the subject under study.
- motivation speach
- their role in the world, value their role
- course facilitate self growth
- real world examples, case studies
- instructor and students share personal feelings
- discussion, group project
- students need to understand that their goal is to grow themselves instead of showing the “best” of themselves to others
- let students to form groups by themselves so that they feel comfortable to work with their teammates
- frequent quiz, homework and exams with immediate feedback
- Rubrics need to be included in assignment description
- template or other guidance for assignment
- different types and levels of assignment and grading
- grade not only result, but also effort (break big project into small tasks that can be graded)
- grade harder at the beginning to create a steady improvement to encourage students
- or grade harder toward the end since students should have learned over the course
- give students information about her progress more frequently
- grade is a quantitative feedback
- stress test in a review class (a simulated test)
- pre-test to gause the progress
- Tell students that failing in a class is a low stake failure compared to a real life failure
- feedback from students
- after class survey to get instant feedback
- muddiest point (ask students what they don’t understand)
- fun questions (color of the instructor’s glasses)
- tell students usage of the data collected
- syllabus
- office hour policy (students must schedule meetings with instructor to do something together)
- syllabus quiz to check if students read it
- easter egg hidden in syllabus
- Boyer’s model